2017年10月12日 星期四



我慚愧比丘釋智壯不打妄語,是我的戒律,說來已過20年了,那是在1997年,我在中國成都有因緣聽到  南無第三世多杰羌佛説法,說到觀世音菩薩菩提聖水楊枝淨水的作用,當時我合掌請示  佛陀,我們有沒有因緣學這個法, 南無第三世多杰羌說,這個法是觀世音菩薩大悲加持法,當時學,當時就會讓接受者見到境界,但是最重要的不是生起次第,而是後面的圓滿次第,就是修成菩提聖水。

我合掌請示我們有沒有資格學這個法,  羌佛說佛法就是拿來利益眾生的,怎麼沒有資格?我説今天我能不能求學這個法呢?  羌佛說那當然可以,我會教你,你放心,等你自己去買一個你喜歡的裝水的鉢,這裝水的東西,不要讓我提前看到,改天來我就教你。 我又說,現在我停放在外面的車上,就有一個裝水的器具,能不能今天傳我的法?  羌佛說那你拿來吧,我當時去車上取來水瓶,  羌佛說怎麼是個水瓶啊?我恭敬地回答這就是我喜歡的法器,  羌佛說好吧!你就用這個,你拿去把它洗乾淨,裝滿一瓶水來,我把瓶洗乾淨,拿進了佛堂, 羌佛譲我坐在一丈遠以外的地上,把瓶放在我面前的小桌上,就這樣 羌佛師父就回到祂的座位上修法,口中唸到 南無觀世音菩薩,施給弟子貢拉菩提楊枝聖水吧,那神奇無比的水從瓶蓋流了出來, 羌佛師父在一丈遠處指示它向我的方向流來,我聞到異香撲鼻的味道,就這樣我把穿鉢的聖水一口一口地吃掉,受到了菩提聖水灌頂,  南無羌師父對我說今天先給你灌頂,這是百千萬人難遭遇的,以後你的因緣成熟,成了比丘後,再教你學這個觀音大悲加持法

20年過去了,我終於高興地出了家,受完三壇大戒,我再來向 佛陀師父求觀音大悲加持法時,已經晚了,因為  羌佛見到一些人學到觀音大悲加持法,拿去騙色,騙財,已經決定不再傳這個法了,但是又同意過我學這個法,怎麼辦?所以就指示證達上人來教我這個法, 羌佛2016年的錄音帶中說: 觀音大悲加持法不論什麼人,當時學當時就能加持人,但是這個法最重要的是要有傳承,否則就修不起菩提聖水。  羌佛還說我在傳這個法的時候,波旬魔王就派他的魔子魔孫來冒稱觀音大悲加持法,傳受給世人,也是當時學當時會,加持產生現象,那是魔修的法,是假的觀音大悲加持法,是魔力,不是佛力。 如果是要分清魔力,還是佛力,要看修法時,設供的有我的傳承法相沒有?只要沒有供傳承法相,就是魔子魔孫,就是波旬魔王的加持法。 包括我傳的法,一當有弟子走火入魔了,也就失掉了傳承,波旬魔王馬上接著讓他來冒稱觀音大悲加持法。凡是修魔法的人,加持法會的供養金,也不會拿去放生和做好人好事,這就是邪魔的法了!

羌佛師父說:智壯我不會再傳這個法了,你去向我的弟子證達阿旺德吉學觀音大悲加持法,我會叫他教你,因為沒有傳承,就會成為魔法,你必須要有傳承的依靠。就這樣,我在美國舊金山華藏寺,接受了證達上人的觀音大悲加持法的傳承,正統血脈。證達上人真誠地把觀音大悲加持法的傳承教給了我,我非常感恩觀音大悲加持法的第二代傳承師證達上人,我出家剃度的自凱師父,我受戒的金剛阿闍黎星雲大和尚,說戒阿闍黎心定和尚,羯磨阿闍黎心保和尚。我依其根本成就,受到如來大法,讓我獲得佛法境界,認知法界真理的根本本尊師父是  南無第三世多杰羌佛佛陀恩師。

正宗聖法.聖法正宗粉絲專頁: https://www.facebook.com/HolyDharmaTw

2017年10月10日 星期二

凡夫考聖德毫無功夫 法師有道行出現高人

(洛杉磯訊)聯合國際世界佛教總部八月六日應來自台灣的李某某佛教徒之請求,在位於美國洛杉磯的一座寺廟舉行初級聖德考試,包括七師十證現場監考,共有三十多人親眼見證,考試結果李某某佛教徒,毫無半點聖證量,照常是凡夫俗子結構, 證明他仍是凡夫,不是聖德。李姓未通過聖德考試當下,三星須彌輪的釋見慧法師應主持人之邀請,為利眾生表顯佛法的威力,見慧法師被指派在李姓佛教徒剛坐過的凳子上修法,只見她念了七遍咒語後停下來,開始施放道力,才過大約二十秒左右, 便神奇地出了像。



在現場監考官們就位後,主持釋覺慧法師宣讀來自台灣的佛教徒李某某考生的聖德考試申請書內容,李某某是台灣台北人 ,身材魁梧,他坐在一張白色的凳上,身後有三十多位監考人。


李姓考生兩年前曾號稱自己是聖德,乃至嚴重違反戒體犯下重戒,國際佛教僧尼總會將其除名,因此李姓佛教徒這次來想看看證明自己有沒有真正的道行,便向聯合國際世界佛教總部提出考聖德的申請書。結果當天考試的現場已經證明了他照常是凡夫,但考官勉勵他說:其實你能夠自己要求申請考試就是不錯的,這次考試不過關,便是說明,你現在還不是聖德,並不代表你未來也不會成為聖德,所以不要灰心,只要能夠好好恭聞南無第三世多杰羌佛的法音,學習 <解脫大手印>與<藉心經說真諦>,研學辦公室公告等,切實修行,樹立正知正見,提高自己,等自己有了聖人道行了,再來考試。

但見釋見慧聖德,持誦一個短咒七遍,花不到半分鐘,將手放下置於膝上,開啟道境,果然只用了20秒左右,道力現出,前方一丈多遠處開始出像了,清澈明確,眾人大驚失色,驚嘆原來凡夫與聖者的差距這麼大!此時覺慧法師喊著:『大家看到了吧,聖者就是聖者,凡夫就是凡夫,我的天呀,果然是聖德高人,太快了!這麼快!』此時大家都讚嘆: 『了不起!了不起!聖凡之別不可同日而語!』主持人宣布:「現在大家親眼看到體外神力,這才是有道行的真聖德!」她當眾強調,無論是聖德還是凡夫,只要是佛教徒,都必須要認認真真恭聞南無第三世多杰羌佛的法音,遵照南無第三世多杰羌佛的教導,踏踏實實修行,做一個實實在在無私利益眾生的修行人,她說:『這才是我們要做的事。』

參加這次監考的監考官嘎瑪益西卻吉嘉措回憶當時在場的監考人與佛教徒阿闍黎們的心理狀態,他說,當見慧聖德以不到半分鐘的時間就亮出道力,眾人當場心理震駭無比,說:『原來聖凡差距這麼大!』 之前李姓佛教徒考試時,時間一分一秒地過去,一直未見動靜,大家心想應該最後五分鐘總會出一點聖力吧?如果不然,他怎會稱自己是聖德。沒想到,考試全場時間都過去了,李姓還是處於凡夫狀態沒有絲毫聖力 ,而見慧聖德才用了不到半分鐘時間就體外神力大顯,神奇地出了像。在場大家親眼目睹一致認識到,聖者與凡夫真是完全不同的!有人說,沒有本事做夢也別想拿出體外神力!參加這次監考由聞名藏地的夏珠秋陽法王所認證的嘎瑪益西卻吉嘉措活佛說: 「這樣的考試太好了!是真正的聖德,就讓他來考試,佛法的道行才能保護眾生的慧命,這就叫做假的真不了,真的假不了!」




2017年10月9日 星期一







                                                   慚愧的小小師弟  2017/8/29
正宗聖法.聖法正宗粉絲專頁: https://www.facebook.com/HolyDharmaTw

“陽壽將盡之時得遇佛陀,菩提聖水除障 灌頂重獲新生”

南 無 第 三 世 多 杰 羌 佛 五 明 俱 足 


學習     H. H. 第 三 世 多 杰 羌 佛 正 法



2017年10月8日 星期日

感恩南無第三世多杰羌佛 聞法讓我成為一個真正的學佛弟子

感恩南無第三世多杰羌佛 聞法讓我成為一個真正的學佛弟子

                             感恩南無第三世多杰羌佛 聞法讓我成為一個真正的學佛弟子

感恩南無第三世多杰羌佛  聞法讓我成為一個真正的學佛弟子 




       轉而心中想到,一定是 觀世音菩薩來引導我了。因為那一年,不知怎麼的,我在路上走也好,開車也好,身邊沒有人時,自己就會默默的念起 觀音菩薩聖號來,而那時其實我還不了解佛教的事。我不懂,只是聽別人念,自己學著念罷了。我還會自言自語的說,感恩 觀世音菩薩,賜給我們這麼好的生活,得到政府的屋住,吃的住的什麼都不憂愁……等等,還到處找信佛教的人。找呀找呀,就給鄰居帶來華藏寺了。

       和丈夫第一次到華藏寺時,剛好是開法會。華藏寺的佛像莊嚴又雄偉。丈夫說,在華藏寺感覺很舒服。我說,以後我們就來這裡學佛好了,又近又方便。我家裡有個觀音唸佛機,是以前朋友送的,每天都開著,但就是聽不明白唱什麼。可是,第一次去過華藏寺後,回家一進門,奇怪了,聽得清清楚楚是唸誦 觀世音菩薩的聖號、阿彌陀佛的聖號等等。從此之後,我倆每個星期天都去華藏寺參加共修,我也開始到華藏寺恭聞 南無第三世多杰羌佛說法的法音。

       華藏寺像個大家庭,不分你我,互相幫助、互相愛護。我在華藏寺學會了要心底純淨,無私心,努力做一切利益眾生的事等等。 南無第三世多杰羌佛賜給我的知識太豐富了,裝也裝不完。原來修行學佛也像是個高級大學,有好多要學習。我深深感覺到,沒到華藏寺學佛前,自己各方面都好低,低到象井底蛙。但現在我覺得好幸福,比任何人都幸福。華藏寺是佛陀的正法道場,在華藏寺我能夠學到佛陀真正的如來正法。而我離華藏寺多麼近啊,就像近在佛陀的身邊!這些幸福是有錢買不到的。我要珍惜它,我更要保護它。

       記得初入華藏寺時,因為不太懂學佛的事,什麼也沒做。當被問到“有做功課嗎?”時,不明白究竟是怎麼回事。後來我請了 帕母的佛書恭讀,終於明白了學佛的根本目的,以及必須修行修法功行並用的道理,而這一切又一定要以樹立正知正見為前提。所以,我一有空就到華藏寺或其他聞法點去恭聞 南無第三世多杰羌佛說法的法音。剛開始聞法時,因為文化低,佛學知識少,又加上我說廣東話,語音上也感到很難聽懂,很多話都不明白。但是,我堅持去華藏寺聞法。三個月下來,慢慢的,神奇的事發生了,我感到佛陀的話越來越明白了,很容易聽懂了。我好高興,接著就差不多每天都去聽上2小時,聽完了也不想走。心裡老是想著,如果能夠由早到晚都聽就好了。

       自從聽了法音後,讓我增長了豐富的佛教知識,理解了佛法的道理,真是正確又充實,對我幫助太大了,我漸漸明白了學佛修行的真正目的。我深深體會到了偉大的佛陀大慈大悲的菩提之心,他老人家是那麼苦口婆心循循善誘的教導我們,而唯一所求的就是眾生的解脫成就。我也認識到,不懂佛法的眾生實在好可憐。他們總是沉迷在貪瞋癡愛喜怒哀樂裡,於紅塵中打滾,叫都叫不醒,一直在無常中迷離顛倒生死流轉,真是又可憐又為他們心急。可惜我無能為力。我只能先做好自己,虔誠的把自己學佛修行的功德回向給一切有緣眾生,期望他們能早日恭聞到 羌佛正法,走上學佛修行解脫成就的菩提聖道。

       學佛這些年,有一點我已堅信不疑,我相信只要我們按照 南無第三世多杰羌佛的教導和指引去修行學佛,我們就一定能消除罪障業力,擺脫愚癡迷茫,排除貪念私心,脫離低級趣味,純淨心靈,開敷智慧,成為一個善良的好人,一個有正知正見而不會走錯路走偏路的正信佛弟子,一個能真心誠意利益眾生和服務眾生的高尚的人。阿彌陀佛!


美國舊金山華藏寺FACEBOOK PAGE: www.facebook.com/huazangsi

The Story of My Rebirth


  I wholeheartedly prostrate to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. 

  In 2014, I was diagnosed with stage 2 spleen cancer and had the surgery performed at the University of Taiwan Hospital. In June the same year, I started chemotherapy. Sister Qinyi Zhou came to visit me in September that year and brought me a copy of the book The Buddha Speaks on Curing the Hemorrhoids Sutra. I chanted the sutra continuously for one month and I noticed the dark brown nails on my hands - the side effect of chemotherapy - had started to fade. It was unbelievable!

  During that time, sister Zhou and Buddhist brother Sangdun Chuba Rinpoche frequently visited me and even helped me to begin to set up an altar and purchased all the necessary items to offer to the Buddhas. I also invited Buddhist brother Jijia Cuoren Rinpoche and many other Buddhist brothers and sisters to come to my house for the purification ceremony and beseeching blessings.  I then set up my dharma-listening center.  I requested recorded Dharma from International Buddhism Sangha Association in order to promote Buddha Dharma and benefit others. After that, miraculously my symptoms of peeling skins on my hands and feet and the mouth ulcer that was seriously affecting my eating gradually disappeared. What was even harder to believe was that the MRI done in November 2014 showed that the cancer had vanished. Cancer marker went from 67 to 46 in about a little more than 2 months - The terrifying spleen cancer just disappeared! I had never thought that chanting Buddhist Sutras and setting up a Dharma-listening center would have such powerful blessing on me!

  Seeing my progress, sister Zhou encouraged me to take the examination to become a Master of Dharma-Listening Sessions so that I could promote the correct views and understanding of the Buddha dharma of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III to others. It would be the best way to benefit others and carry out the Bodhicitta. In so doing, I would receive even more blessings, she said. I did not disappoint her and successfully passed the exam in March 2015.

  A few months after that, the doctor who was in charge of my chemotherapy, Dr. Yang, suddenly announced that my treatment should be stopped ahead of schedule ( normally it has to last for more than a year) This had never happened before! So, my confidence increased and I was even more diligent in listening to the Buddha Dharma and reading Buddhist books. I consistently rain or shine went to the group cultivation sessions held at Holy Dharma Compassion and Kindness Association.  I cultivate myself and learn from the Buddha with a heart of repentance and gratitude. On September 21, 2016 my primary doctor, Professor Tian told me "no more doctor's visits, just periodical rechecks in charged by Dr. Yang."  So I only need another doctor's visit! What a great relief! I felt like a burden of rock has shifted off my shoulders.

  During the past two years, if it was not because of the blessings of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, if I did not study Buddhism and cultivate myself, if there was no help and encouragement from the Buddhist brothers and sisters , I would not have recovered from cancer and I would not have been able to travel around the world and gone to social functions! In contrast, my husband who had brain cancer and was very stubborn and did not want to believe in Buddhism died in May 2015.

  I transform my grief to power and strongly believe in the law of cause and effect.  I will continue to study Buddhism, listen to the recorded Dharma of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, cultivate my words, thoughts, and behaviors, promote kindness and eradicate evil, and strive to correspond with the Buddha! Here, I would like to thank all the members of the medical team at Taiwan University who have treated me, all my relatives and family members, my Buddhist brothers and sisters for their kindness and care. They have made it possible for me to cultivate and learn from the Buddha! Amitabha! 


Buddhist Disciple Shengmei

#義雲高 #義雲高大師 #第三世多杰羌佛 #第三世多杰羌佛藝術 #第三世多杰羌佛正法 #解脫直昇機  #正宗聖法


正宗聖法.聖法正宗粉絲專頁: https://www.facebook.com/HolyDharmaTw


The Power of a Holy Pill


My gratitude to the ultimate empowerment from the Buddha Dharma of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III(H.H. 第三世多杰羌佛)

During the years of studying Buddha Dharma from H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III (H.H. 第三世多杰羌佛), from others, I have heard lots of true miraculous stories in which many Buddhist brothers and sisters have been greatly blessed with huge benefits from the study of the correct Dharma of the Tathagata.

For years I persist on listening to the holy teachings expounded by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III(H.H. 第三世多杰羌佛) and maintained a good routine of the sitting practice

Just sitting quietly in meditation even for a while can help me to let go of all things in life and stay focused.  I benefit a lot from it as I have worked in the engineering construction field for a long period of time. As we know, engineering projects highly demand logical solutions and sequential practices till completion.  Therefore, for me, continuous intensive work is common. My diet and daily routine cannot be as stable as that of ordinary people, Such life pattern causes my blood pressure to be a little higher for a long time.  However, my blood pressure has since been under good control due to the great benefit from the sitting practice.

In the morning of August 22, 2016, I was awakened by a sharp pain in my sleep, and the sudden pain at my lower back was unbearable! The pain made me restless.  It was so intense and beyond control.  I thought maybe something has grown in there. I often heard that healthy people who suffered from sudden pain eventually found out from a health check that they have terminal cancer with a few weeks or months of life left.  What a scary view! Leaving all those messy thoughts behind me, I began my sitting practice.  The pain kept coming back in waves and it became hard to sit still. I immediately recited the holy name of Namo H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III (H.H. 第三世多杰羌佛) and the mantra which calmed me down after a long practice.

The pain is certainly produced by my dark karma.  I am aware of the fact that the law of cause and effect does not err.  But a whole day of labour work very soon made me forget the pain in the morning.

Unexpectedly, the pain came once again making me restless when I was about to lead the Buddhist brothers and sisters to listen to the discourse of   H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III (H.H. 第三世多杰羌佛). Every second and minute were hard to get by.  Finally, the small bell rang, as I did not feel at all, I quickly ended the session and did not stay around to chat with them.  At that time, I spent all my energy to fight against the pain.  I almost passed out and was lying on the floor with my arms and legs out. In my panic, maybe it was a blessing from my learning from the Buddha, I suddenly thought of -- IT
In Esoteric Tibetan Buddhism,  there is kind of holy pill called Kazhuo Ande pilll also known as the black treasure pill which is made by ones of holy virtuous of deep cultivation from the practice of Tummo in ultimate sense. Due to a special karmic condition, I was fortunate to receive it.  I have kept it and treated it as a treasure.
According to my past experience, when family members or friends of mine who suddenly faced critical situations and took the holy pill, their pain would immediately go away as they pray for the empowerment from the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas with devotion.

Then I took the Buddhist treasure pill in my hand and was about to pray for infinite blessings from Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. But Unexpectedly even in such an emergency situation impure karma constantly emerged in my mind with the doubts: Will such pain disappear in an instant just after taking the holy pill?

What a shame! I have been a Buddhist who has studied Buddhism and practiced cultivation for decades. After seeing so many testimonials, I have always had a firm belief and no doubts at all.  Now it is my turn to experience it, yet impure karma rises in me.

Then I hurried and confessed to the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. 

I recalled the content when I read the dharma from H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III (H.H. 第三世多杰羌佛)in Expounding the Absolute Truth through the Heart Sutra.  The sutra says that if one is diligent in the practice of The Ten Good Deeds, even if he recites little of the holy name of Amitabha, before his death, in one recitation of the Buddha, the Buddha will still come and fetch you to the Western Paradise of the Ultimate Bliss. However, at this moment, under extreme pain, I have finally realized that when the karma manifests, how can it be feasible to recite one time the name of Amitabha Buddha single-mindedly?      In fact, the pain I am experiencing now is beyond comparison with the fear and horror of death.  What can I rely on to liberate myself at the moment of death by then? 

All these wondering thoughts came upon me.  I hurried and come back to my correct thoughts, stay concentrated, and began to pray for the blessings from the Buddha with my deepest devotion.  

After taking the black treasure pill, I immediately informed my neighbor and asked him to take me to the hospital for emergency treatment. Then one thought came to me "go to the bathroom first.” With my hands on my lower back I stumbled to the restroom, but suddenly I found the pain seems to fade away. After being on my feet for a while, I even felt the feeling of calming and comfort.  I was light headed and my family member reminded me that the car was ready and we should head to the hospital.

I walked out of the restroom and told my family member that I just took the black treasure pill.  I felt much better and did not feel the pain anymore.  There was no need to go to the hospital.  My family member might feel the pill mysterious and amazing but was still concerned and afraid that the pain might act up in the middle of the night which would be more troubles.  At the end, they went to the hospital for a check up. 

As a routine check, the doctor and the nurse took my blood and urine.  I did an Xray and all detailed examinations.  Everything was normal except some red blood cells in the urine.  The doctor said I need to go back to the urology department for another check up.  He was afraid that the pain would come back in the middle of the night so he advised me to take a shot of pain reliever.  I never liked the needle.  I declined the shot.  The next day I went back for the recheck and the results all came out normal.  

As several weeks have passed, the pain has never come back.   This time I have become the one who gives a testimonial of the benefits I received from the Buddha Dharma.! 

Sincere gratitude to  
the empowerment from Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, and
the great Buddha Dharma!

   - ashamed Buddhist, Jinda Zhou with my palms together

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