頂聖如来 H.H.第三世多杰羌佛的聖量
一直到母親久臥病床喉嚨開始積痰,父親實在心疼母親抽痰時母親會受苦,他便跪到家裏佛堂佛陀上師法相前,默默懇求著佛陀上師,請觀世音菩薩還是將母親早點接去西方極樂世界享福吧!果然,第二天清晨六點五十分,母親張著嘴有如沉睡中的嬰兒般安詳離開,當天早上便接到佛陀上師侍者Kuan師兄的轉達,佛陀上師將會用甚深精妙的淨土超渡法來超渡母親,並恭請觀世音菩薩或觀世音菩薩的侍者在七天內接走余林彩春居士去西方極樂世界。弟子無限感恩佛陀上師加持超渡母親,母親的遺體不但臉色紅潤,嘴唇也紅潤,手腳柔軟可配合更衣穿褲等等瑞相都不在話下,更殊勝的是,當天我跪在母親的遺體前說:「媽!如果 您看到觀世音菩薩或她老人家派遣侍者通知到您,要來接您,就請您將嘴巴合攏,微笑讓我們放心。」說完了我就叩了三個頭以答謝母親多年的養育之恩,跪在床前默念著觀世音菩薩聖號,也不知過多久,母親原來張嘴如睡著的嬰兒,此時嘴竟合起來了並帶著微笑,哎呀!天啊!我當時真的是驚呆了,我以為是我眼睛看花、看錯,趕忙找家人來瞧,每個人跟我看到都是一樣,她將會跟著觀世音菩薩或她老人家的侍者去西方極樂世界。那時窗外還有小鳥唱歌非常好聽,就像佛經上所述般,平時家裡附近是沒什麼鳥的。當天突然錄音機自動無人操控播放起觀世音菩薩聖號。這種種殊勝瑞相,讓家裡另兩位也學佛的看護阿姨激動地掉淚,她們說:「學佛多年,現在才看到什麼叫做真正的佛法」,就由於母親往升,她們再三懇求我們帶她們到佛陀上師那裡去皈依。
佛弟子 余瑞琪
One day in March of 2003, my mother became ill
with something like a stroke. She couldn’t move the
right side of her body nor could she talk. At the
emergency room, the diagnosis was that she was in the
last stages of an inoperable brain cancer with a tumor the
size of a fist. Unfortunately chemotherapy was not an
option. She had about a zero chance of being cured with
radiation treatments. We were told to take her home for hospice care for her
final days. We were all very panicky and very sad with the anticipation of
having to watch our mother wait for her death.
At that time, I kept praying that my mother could have the
opportunity to see the Buddha Master, H.H. Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu HoliestTathagata. The Buddha Master was merciful, and the arrangements were
made for the Buddha Master to see my mother immediately.
I remember that day very clearly. At the altar, my mother was anxious
and crying because she had lost her ability to speak, but the Buddha Master
said, “It’s alright, it’s alright. I understand it all.” The Buddha Master
accepted my mother as a disciple and also transmitted dharma to her right
then and there. That day, my mother couldn’t talk nor do the mudra because
her right hand was paralyzed. I remember that the merciful Buddha Master
came down from the platform, held her good left hand, and personally put
the Cultivation Seed Syllables on the palm of her left hand. That particular
scene is deeply imprinted in my mind. That’s the empowerment a Buddha
gives to a suffering living being. I was deeply moved and even more grateful
to my Buddha Master, although the Buddha Master does not allow his
disciples to call him Buddha. Nevertheless, His Holiness is a true ancient
Buddha who has descended into this world.
With all that happened at the altar that day, my mother used her eyes to
communicate with the Buddha Master. My father and 4th eldest sister were
also there, but they didn’t seek refuge with the Buddha Master at that time.
After we went back home, my mother looked at the palm of her left hand
everyday and studied it very hard. She would look at the palm of her hand
even at night when the light was not on. (During the more than six months
from the time my mother fell ill until the time of her rebirth in a Buddha
Land, she did not take one painkiller. She lived three months longer than the
doctor had predicted.)
Early in the morning, three days before her 70th birthday, my mother’s
condition turned worse. She became unconscious. Her whole body was
twitching. The paralyzed right side was stiff and un-bendable. She had rapid
breathing and an increased heart rate with her blood pressure dropping.
Both the doctor and the nurse notified us to prepare for the end and dress
her properly for the funeral. It was unbearable to see my eighty-year-old
father so sad. The whole family was nervous and confused.
The first thing in my mind was to beg the Buddha Master to be
merciful and send mother to a good place. The Buddha Master made time
in a very busy schedule to receive my father and me. It was already eleven
o’clock at night. My father begged the Buddha Master to allow for mother to
have her 70th birthday before she left us, and also for both of her daughters to
have time to come back from the east coast to see their mother for the last
time. The Buddha Master said very decidedly, “No problem! Let her have
her 70th birthday before she leaves! I think Guan-Yin Bodhisattva will let her
stay for a few more days before receiving her to the Western Paradise of
Ultimate Bliss! I am ashamed to say that I don’t have that kind of dharma
power to keep her. Only the Buddha can help her.”
Right away the Buddha Master empowered a Mantra Wheel and
Dharma Instructions, instructing us to have my mother wear the Mantra
Wheel on her head to shake her spiritual mind. The Dharma Instruction
would be for her to wear at the time of her passing on to the Pure Land,
using the power of the Seed Syllables to enter the Western Paradise of
Ultimate Bliss.
After we went back, my mother’s pupils were already dilated, and her
body temperature was low. She passed away. We followed the instructions we
received from the Buddha Master and put the Mantra Wheel on my
mother’s head, feeling very scared. My mother had already left. Was it too
late for her to wear the Mantra Wheel now? Unexpectedly, a miracle
happened. Within only two short hours, mother regained consciousness.
Her pupils, body temperature, and breathing all became normal. She
answered some of our questions by nodding, shaking, and moving her head
and by blinking her eyes. Her consciousness was completely clear and
normal. Not only did my mother wait until both of my sisters came back from the east coast to celebrate her 70th birthday, but days after that, mother
would sit in a wheelchair, using her unparalyzed left hand to offer incense to
the Buddha.
Many monastics were there to witness the process of mother’s revival.
My aunt, who had been there nursing my mother, was deeply shocked and
realized how great and powerful the true Buddha-dharma is. Furthermore, it
changed my father, who has been a Christian for the past fifty years. He
became a disciple of the Buddha Master.
Only after my mother was lingering in her sick bed and had started to
accumulate phlegm in her throat, and my father could feel that my mother
was suffering from the phlegm collecting in her throat, did he kneel down in
front of the picture of the Buddha Master, silently begging the Buddha
Master to ask Guan-Yin Bodhisattva to come and receive mother in the
Western Paradise of Ultimate Bliss to enjoy the blessings! As expected, at
6:50 early next morning, my mother left peacefully with her mouth open
like a sleeping baby. A message was relayed that morning from the Buddha
Master’s attendant Kuan that the Buddha Master would use the most
profound and wonderful Pure Land spirit-raising Dharma to raise my
mother’s spirit from suffering and would respectfully ask Guan-Yin
Bodhisattva or her attendants to receive mother to the Western Paradise of
Ultimate Bliss within seven days. I was all very grateful for the Buddha
Master’s empowerment to send my mother to the Western Paradise. Not
only were her face and lips rosy, her limbs were also soft so that the task of
dressing her properly for the funeral was easy.
However, the most amazing thing was when I knelt in front of my
mother’s body that day and said, “Mom, if you have seen Guan-Yin
Bodhisattva or the attendants sent by her with the message that they are
coming to receive you, please close your mouth and smile so we don’t have to
worry.” I kowtowed three times to thank my mother for all the years she
spent raising me, knelt in front of her bed, and silently recited Guan-Yin
Bodhisattva’s sacred name. I lost track of time. My mother had been like a
sleeping baby with her mouth opened, but now her mouth was closed and
she was smiling. Wow! My heavens! I was shocked. I thought my eyes were
deceiving me, that I’d made a mistake. I hurried and asked my family to
come and see. Everyone saw the same thing I did---that she will be received
by Guan-Yin Bodhisattva or her attendants in the Western Paradise of
Ultimate Bliss.
At that time, there were birds singing very beautiful tunes outside the
window, just as described in the sutras. Normally, there is no bird around or
near the house. That day, the recorder suddenly played Guan-Yin
Bodhisattva’s sacred name automatically. All of these remarkable auspicious
events brought tears of excitement to two of my aunts who were taking care
of mother at that time and who were also cultivating themselves as
Buddhists. They said, “We have been doing our cultivation all these years,
but now we have seen what is called the true Buddha-dharma.” Because of
mother’s ascent and her rebirth in that Buddha Land, they kept asking us to
take them to the Buddha Master to seek refuge.
Imagine what level of realization a holy reincarnated being has in order
to be able to communicate with Buddhas and Bodhisattvas and ask Buddhas
and Bodhisattvas to call back my mother from death, allow her to stay many
days, and come and arrange to have her received as desired. That can only be
done by a Buddha! The fact that my mother passed away, came back to life,
and ascended to the Western Paradise of Ultimate Bliss after her 70th
birthday is only a very small and ordinary case among all of the Buddha
Master’s many disciples. There are too many other examples to mention
concerning all the other disciples who attained accomplishment, became
liberated and ascended to the Pure Land.
Many disciples have only seen the Buddha Master once and received
transmission of the Buddha-dharma, such as fellow disciple Yu-Shan Hou.
He practiced the dharma that the Buddha Master transmitted to him and
was able to visit the Western Paradise of Ultimate Bliss. He came back to tell
everybody that he would pass on to the Western Paradise of Ultimate Bliss
seven days later. As he predicted, he passed on to the Western Paradise on a
lotus seven days later.
Buddhist disciple
Ruei-Chi Yu