1999年11月6日,我很有福報地跟隨由美國及世界八十三所大學組成的美國大學聯盟的佛法哲學博士、英國曼寧大學哲學博士、導師王玉花佛母和丹瑪.翟芒尊者第二世、達楚尊者第二世恆生仁波且、洛本松贊等共三十餘位,陪同多杰羌佛第三世雲高益西諾布頂聖如來,在泰國佛教城禮拜釋迦牟尼佛聖像之後,走到湖邊的菩提樹下,三世多杰羌佛敷座而坐,達楚尊者第二世恆生仁波且見到這殊勝的因緣,即跪地合掌恭敬禮請佛陀上師開示:「羅漢如何得證菩薩境界? 菩薩如何登地達到佛陀無上正等正覺?為什麼佛陀要依渡生成佛?」 這時,從四處飛來了多種鳥類棲息於樹上,三世多杰羌佛前面的湖泊中游來了各類野魚,有兩隻野狗同時也來到人群中央三世多杰羌佛的座前,實在奇妙無比。當佛陀上師正宣說至高微妙的法義時,突然湖中平靜的水翻波湧浪,一聲響亮,一條烏龍搖身變成一條烏金色的大魚,就從水中直端端的冒起來,並且以尾部獨立於水面,猶如海豚水上表演一般,一行一點頭,向三世多杰羌佛頂禮,此時又有兩條一白色一黑色的魚,也做大魚姿勢,伸出水面向三世多杰羌佛頂禮,時間長達二十秒鐘左右。有同學取出照相機,按下快門竟然拍下這個鏡頭。這種神奇的景象,大家從未見過,皆嘆為觀止,知道這是龍神化顯,前來受法,恭敬禮拜。如非龍神化現,任何魚類也不可能具備以尾部獨立於水面的功能,更何況魚身的三分之二立於水面之上,只剩 下三分之一的尾巴在水面之下。但三世多杰羌佛卻笑著說:「這是佛陀法義的感召。應以慚愧之心修持佛法,神奇之舉,猶如夢幻,瞬息雲煙,不可執著,不足掛齒。」大聖說妙法,人非人禮拜,這是佛陀的功德證境才能有的啊!正如蓮花生大師金剛語授記、中國大皇帝封為呼圖克圖法王的大聖德說:「我曾聞金剛總持大法王的佛法開示,大法王就是佛陀!」以上聖蹟是我在現場目睹的真實情況,後來各大報紙均有報導此一聖蹟,如有妄語,願受最嚴厲的果報,這是真實不虛的事情,願將功德回向給法界一切眾生。
佛弟子 慈仁嘉措
龍魚立水禮拜三世多杰羌佛 |
Dragon-Fish Stand Straight Up on the Surface of the Water and Pay Respect toH.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III by Bowing to His Holiness
On November 6, 1999, I was very fortunate to have
been able to accompany H.H. Dorje Chang BuddhaIII Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu to Puttamonton, Thailand. I went
there together with Professor Yu-Hua Wang, who holds a
doctorate degree in Buddhism Dharma Philosophy from the
American League of Colleges and Universities, which is
composed of 83 colleges and universities in the United
States and around the world, and who also holds a Ph.D.
degree from Manning University in England. Other people
who went on that trip with us included H.E. Denma
Tsemang II, Venerable Dachu II Hengsheng Rinpoche and
Luoben Songzan. There were more than thirty of us all
After we prostrated before the holy image of
Sakyamuni Buddha, we walked to a bodhi tree beside a lake
under which H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III sat. Perceiving
that the karmic conditions were special, Venerable Dachu
II Hengsheng Rinpoche knelt on the ground, put his palms
together in respect, and respectfully beseeched H.H. Dorje
Chang Buddha III to give a discourse on how an Arhat can
realize the state of a Bodhisattva, how a Bodhisattva can
ascend to the supreme and complete enlightenment of a
Buddha, and why a Buddha has to rely on saving living
beings to become a Buddha.
At this time, many types of birds flew over to us from
all directions and perched themselves on that tree. Various
types of wild fish in the lake beside H.H. Dorje Chang
Buddha III swam over to us. Two wild dogs also made their way into the
middle of that group of people in front of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III’s
seat. It was extremely marvelous.
Right when H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III was expounding the
highest wondrous dharma, waves suddenly surged from the quiet waters of
the lake. There was a loud sound. A black dragon transformed itself into a
large black and gold fish. That fish emerged vertically from the water and
stood erect on its tail on the surface of the water. It resembled a dolphin
performing on the water. It bowed its head toward H.H. Dorje Chang
Buddha III after each movement. At this time, a white fish and a black fish
also did what that other large fish did, emerging from the water to pay their
respects to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. This scene lasted about twenty
seconds. Some fellow disciples took out their cameras and pressed down
upon the shutter. They were able to capture that scene.
Nobody ever saw such an amazing spectacle before. They were lost in
wonder over such an unrivaled sight. They knew that large fish was a
dragon-spirit who transformed itself into a fish in order to receive the
dharma and pay its respects to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. They must
have been transformed dragon-spirits since no other type of fish has the
ability to use its tail to stand vertically upon the surface of the water.
Furthermore, two-thirds of the bodies of the fish were over the surface of the
water, leaving only the one-third tail portion of their bodies below the
surface of the water.
Still, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III smiled and said, “This is a
response evoked by the Buddha-dharma. One should practice the Buddhadharma
with a heart of humility. Amazing feats are like dreams and illusions,
like clouds and smoke that pass in an instant. One must not be attached to
them. They are not worth mentioning.”
When great saints expound the wonderful dharma, humans and nonhumans
pay their respects. This is the result of the merit and realization of a
A great holy and virtuous being said, “I have heard discourses on the
Buddha-dharma given by H.H. Great Dharma King 1
. H.H. Great Dharma
King is a Buddha!” Guru Padmasambhava highly praised this great holy and
virtuous being and an emperor of China conferred upon him the title of
Khutukhtu Dharma King.
The holy events described above are true occurrences that I personally
saw at that scene. Later, many newspapers reported on these holy events. If
there are false statements in what I have just stated, I am willing to receive
the most severe karmic retribution. Those were real events. May the merit of
this be dedicated to all living beings in the dharma realms.
Buddhist Disciple
Ciren Gyatso